Sussex Co-Lab Workbook live - and film coming soon

I am delighted to share the Sussex Co-Lab Workbook, a great resource for Local Authorities and commissioners wishing to understand or commission placemaking as a way towards effective co-created community engagement and local policy. Reflecting on the stories and voices of the Residencies of the Sussex Co-Lab we have drawn together our learning into a suite of considerations, stipulations and coda to bring into your own context.

The Workbook can be accessed here.

It includes the Sussex Co-Lab model and context, the commissioning process and decision-making matrix; the Residencies practice and process, in the artists own words; curatorial challenges and resolutions; and the common themes and what they mean for placemaking practice, the positive loop of placemaking, placemaking horizons and values, and a framework for collaboration.

The film, of interviews with the artists involved, talking about the process and the outcoes, will be coming soon.

Sussex Co-Lab continues too – we are currently developing continuation funding and working with our stakeholders in a larger, and deeper, Lab model and projects portfolio.


Sussex Co-Lab film - watch it here


Repurposing the Campus 2.0